Product Details
- Hardcover: 464 pages
- Publisher: Springer-Verlag New York Inc. (Nov 2005)
- Language English
- ISBN-10: 0387237089
- ISBN-13: 978-0387237084
Book Description :
The release of non-disinfected wastewaters into the marine environment is a common worldwide practice, in under-developed as well as in highly developed countries. Consequently, the seas are constantly infused with wastewater bacteria, among them highly pathogenic ones. In view of the public health significance of this phenomenon, it is surprising how little is actually known concerning the fate of such bacteria once they enter the sea. While numerous studies have addressed the effects of various environmental parameters on colony formation, many of them actually ignore the fact that bacteria can retain viability and infectivity while losing colony-forming ability. Only in recent years have efforts also been directed at unraveling the mechanisms determining bacterial sensitivity or survival under these conditions. This, therefore, is one subject of "Oceans and Health: Pathogens in the Marine Environment": the survival, infectivity, pathogenicity and viability of enteric bacteria in the sea. Chapters also detail the public health aspects of wastewater release, civil engineering and economic considerations, other sources of pathogens, and much more.
1. Pathogens in the Sea: An Overview
Colin B. Munn
2. Diversity, Sources, and Detection of Human Bacterial Pathogens
in the Marine Environment
Janelle R. Thompson, Luisa A. Marcelino, and Martin F. Polz
3. Biotic and Abiotic Effects
Lester W. Sinton
4. Survival of Enteric Bacteria in Seawater: Molecular Aspects
Yael Rozen and Shimshon Belkin
5. Human Pathogenic Viruses in the
Marine Environment
Albert Bosch, F. Xavier Abad, and Rosa M. Pint´o
6. Survival of Viruses in the Marine Environment
Charles P. Gerba
7. Zoonotic Protists in the Marine Environment
Ronald Fayer and James M. Trout
8. Marine and Estuarine Harmful Algal Blooms: Impacts on Human
and Animal Health
Jan Landsberg, Fran Van Dolah, and Gregory Doucette
9. Pathogenic Vibrio Species in the Marine and Estuarine Environment
Carla Pruzzo, Anwar Huq, Rita R. Colwell, and Gianfranco Donelli
10. Vibrio vulnificus
James D. Oliver
11. Vibrio parahaemolyticus—Seafood Safety and Associations
with Higher Organisms
Firdausi Qadri, Nandini Roy Chowdhury, Yoshifumi Takeda,
and G. Balakrish Nair
12. Global Microbial Ecology of Vibrio cholerae
Rita R. Colwell
13. Gram-Positive Bacteria in the Marine Environment
Maria del Mar Lle`o, Caterina Signoretto, and Pietro Canepari
14. Fecal Contamination in Coastal Areas: An Engineering Approach
M. Pommepuy, D. Hervio-Heath, M. P. Caprais, M. Gourmelon,
and F. Le Guyader
15. Retention of Pathogenicity in Viable Nonculturable Pathogens
Iddya Karunasagar and Indrani Karunasagar
16. Thalassogenic Infectious Diseases Caused by Wastewater Pollution
of the Marine Environment
Hillel Shuval
17. Bacterial Pathogens of Marine Fish
Brian Austin
18. Microbial Diseases of Corals
E. Rosenberg and Y. Barash
19. Aquaculture and Animal Pathogens in the Marine Environment
with Emphasis on Marine Shrimp Viruses
Jeffrey M. Lotz, Robin M. Overstreet, and D. Jay Grimes