Sunday, March 30, 2008

Antimicrobial Resistance: Problem Pathogens and Clinical Countermeasures

Antimicrobial Resistance: Problem Pathogens and Clinical Countermeasures (Infectious Disease and Therapy)
by Jr., Robert C. Owens (Editor), Ebbing Lautenbach (Editor)

Product Details
* Hardcover: 520 pages
* Publisher: Informa Healthcare; 1 edition (December 22, 2007)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0824729412

Book Description
This publication provides a state-of-the-art overview of key issues related to antimicrobial resistance, including a focus on key pathogens causing common healthcare-associated and community-acquired infections. The epidemiology and therapeutic considerations of these antimicrobial resistant organisms are discussed, as well as the clinical and health economic impact of infections caused by them. This progressive reference also provides a dedicated section covering the clinical programmatic strategies used to minimize the growing antimicrobial resistance problem, including practical information related to interventional concepts and their implementation. In addition to antimicrobial resistance in the context of traditionally discussed problematic bacterial pathogens, emerging data related to clinically important fungal pathogens and Clostridium difficile are also covered.


Foreword Robert C. Moellering, Jr. v

Preface ix

Contributors xv

Part I: Resistance Concerns for the Practicing Clinician:

General Considerations

1. The Attributable Costs of Resistant Infections in Hospital Settings:

Economic Theory and Application 1

R. Douglas Scott II and Rebecca R. Roberts

2. Benchmarking: Its Utility in the Fight Against Antibacterial Resistance 25

Sujata M. Bhavnani and Glenn S. Tillotson

3. Antibiotic Resistance: Opportunity or Obstacle for the

Pharmaceutical Industry? 39

Glenn S. Tillotson

4. Understanding Studies of Resistant Organisms: Focus on

Epidemiological Methods 61

Ebbing Lautenbach

Part II: Contemporary Antimicrobial Resistance Issues: Gram-Positive,

Gram-Negative, and Miscellaneous Pathogens

5. Staphylococcus aureus: Resistance Update and Treatment Options 75

Pamela A. Moise and George Sakoulas

6. Enterococci: Resistance Update and Treatment Options 89

Peter K. Linden

7. Streptococcus pneumoniae: Resistance Update and Treatment Options 111

Nicole Akar, William R. Bishai, and Sanjay K. Jain

8. Acinetobacter Species: Resistance Update and Treatment Options 125

Lisa L. Maragakis and Trish M. Perl

9. Pseudomonas aeruginosa: An Understanding of Resistance Issues 149

Karen Lolans, Maria Virginia Villegas, and John P. Quinn

10. Problematic Beta-Lactamases: An Update 169

Marion S. Helfand and Louis B. Rice

11. Clostridium difficile-Infection: Overview and Update with a Focus on Antimicrobial

Resistance as a Risk Factor 183

Robert C. Owens, Jr., August J. Valenti, and Mark H. Wilcox

12. Emerging Resistance Among Candida Species: Trends and Treatment

Considerations for Candidemia 219

Ingi Lee and Theoklis Zaoutis

Part III: Interventional Strategies to Combat Resistance

13. Early Appropriate Empiric Therapy and Antimicrobial De-Escalation 231

James M. Hollands, Scott T. Micek, Peggy S. McKinnon, and Marin H. Kollef

14. Antimicrobial Cycling Programs 251

Bernard C. Camins and Victoria J. Fraser

15. Antimicrobial Stewardship: Rationale for and Practical Considerations of

Programmatic Institutional Efforts to Optimize Antimicrobial Use 261

Robert C. Owens, Jr.

16. Computer-Assisted Programs to Optimize Antimicrobial Use 301

Stanley L. Pestotnik and Jonathan B. Olson

17. Practical Application of Pharmacodynamic Principles to Optimize Therapy and

Treat Resistant Organisms: A Focus on Beta-Lactam Antibiotics 317

Thomas P. Lodise, Ben M. Lomaestro, and George L. Drusano

18. Shorter Course Antibiotic Therapy (SCAT): Principles,

Current Data, and Caveats 337

Donald E. Craven, Daniel P. McQuillen, Winnie W. Ooi, George A. Jacoby,

Efren L. Rael, and Kathleen Steger Craven

19. Impact of Guidelines on Antimicrobial Treatment of Respiratory

Tract Infections 371

Thomas M. File

20. The Impact of Hospital Epidemiology on the Management and Control of

Antimicrobial Resistance: Issues and Controversies 397

August J. Valenti

21. Combination Antimicrobial Therapy for Gram-Negative Infections:

What Is The Evidence? 433

Nasia Safdar and Cybele L. Abad

22. Antibiotic Resistance: Modern Principles and Management Strategies to Optimize

Outpatient Use of Antibiotics 461

Sharon B. Meropol and Joshua P. Metlay

Index 479

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