Encyclopedia of Parasitology
by Heinz Mehlhorn (Editor)
Product Details
* Hardcover: 1573 pages
* Publisher: Springer; 3rd ed. edition (January 16, 2008)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 3540489940
Book Description
Knowledge in the field of parasitology must be kept at a high level and up to date in order to fight a parasitosis as quickly and effectively as possible.
The third edition of the Encyclopedia of Parasitology contributes to these goals in several ways: the number of entries has been increased by about 30%, the content has been even more improved by adding more tables and figures. The extensive linking between definitions and essays facilitates information within a minimum of time.
More than 40 international contributors, who are well known specialists in their fields, give a comprehensive review of all parasites and therapeutic strategies in veterinarian and human parasitology.
The third edition is now presented as two volumes in A-Z format and additionally in an electronic online version.
Sorry no contact table for this book but this is the most beautiful encyclopedia of parasite that I ever see.....