Plant Virology Protocols: From Viral Sequence to Protein Function (Methods in Molecular Biology)
by Gary Foster (Editor), Elisabeth Johansen (Editor), Yiguo Hong (Editor), Peter Nagy (Editor)
Product Details
* Hardcover: 816 pages
* Publisher: Humana Press; 2nd ed. edition (March 7, 2008)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 1588298272
Book Description
Following the considerable success of the first edition of Plant Virology Protocols, this exciting new edition covers the many new techniques that are now applied to the examination and understanding of plant viruses. Each section of Plant Virology Protocols, Second Edition presents the most novel methods and protocols to allow researchers more effective approaches to study plant viruses. The many subjects covered in this important new edition range from techniques for investigating viral nucleic acid sequence, protein analysis and investigation of protein function, techniques for microscopy/GFP visualization and analysis/protein tagging/generation of infectious clones and other such tools, as well as areas of genomics and interactions with host factors and plant-based studies. Plant Virology Protocols, Second Edition: From viral sequence to protein function is indispensable to laboratory investigators studying plant viruses.
Section 1 General Introduction
Chapter 1 Plant–Virus Interactions
Peter Palukaitis, John P. Carr, and James E. Schoelz
Chapter 2 Role of Capsid Proteins
John F. Bol
Chapter 3 Role of Plant Virus Movement Proteins
Michael Taliansky, Lesley Torrance, and
Natalia O. Kalinina
Chapter 4 Multiple Roles of Viral Replication Proteins in Plant
RNA Virus Replication
Peter D. Nagy and Judit Pogany
Chapter 5 Role of Silencing Suppressor Proteins
József Burgyán
Chapter 6 Role of Vector-Transmission Proteins
Véronique Ziegler-Graff and Véronique Brault
Section 2 Viral Nucleic Acid Sequence/Function Analysis
Chapter 7 In Vivo Analyses of Viral RNA Translation
William R. Staplin and W. Allen Miller
Chapter 8 In Vitro Analysis of Translation Enhancers
Aurélie M. Rakotondrafara and W. Allen Miller
Chapter 9 Identifi cation of Plant Virus IRES
Sek-Man Wong, Dora Chin-Yen Koh,
and Dingxiang Liu
Chapter 10 Analysis of Geminivirus DNA Replication
by 2-D Gel
Keith Saunders
Chapter 11 Begomoviruses: Molecular Cloning
and Identifi cation of Replication Origin
Lilian H. Florentino, Anésia A. Santos, Francisco M. Zerbini,
and Elizabeth P.B. Fontes
Chapter 12 Analysis of Viroid Replication
Ricardo Flores, María-Eugenia Gas, Diego Molina,
Carmen Hernández, and José-Antonio Daròs
Chapter 13 Biochemical Analyses of the Interactions Between
Viral Polymerases and RNAs
Young-Chan Kim and C. Cheng Kao
Chapter 14 In Situ Detection of Plant Viruses
and Virus-Specifi c Products
Andrew J. Maule and Zoltán Havelda
Chapter 15 Detection of siRNAs and miRNAs
Sakari Kauppinen and Zoltán Havelda
Chapter 16 Cloning of Short Interfering RNAs
from Virus-Infected Plants
Thien X. Ho, Rachel Rusholme, Tamas Dalmay,
and Hui Wang
Chapter 17 Solution Structure Probing of RNA
Marc R. Fabian and K. Andrew White
Chapter 18 RNA Encapsidation Assay
Padmanaban Annamalai and A.L.N. Rao
Section 3 Protein Analysis and Investigation of Protein Function
Chapter 19 Surface Plasmon Resonance Analysis
of Interactions Between Replicase Proteins of Tomato
Bushy Stunt Virus.
K.S. Rajendran and Peter D. Nagy
Chapter 20 Biochemical Approaches for Characterizing
RNA–Protein Complexes in Preparation
for High Resolution Structure Analysis
Raúl C. Gomila and Lee Gehrke
Chapter 21 Probing Interactions Between Plant Virus Movement
Proteins and Nucleic Acids
Tzvi Tzfi ra and Vitaly Citovsky
Chapter 22 Movement Profi les: A Tool for Quantitative Analysis
of Cell-to-Cell Movement of Plant Viral
Movement Proteins
Kateryna Trutnyeva, Pia Ruggenthaler,
and Elisabeth Waigmann
Chapter 23 Analysis of siRNA-Suppressor of Gene Silencing
Lóránt Lakatos and József Burgyán
Chapter 24 Phosphorylation Analysis of Plant
Viral Proteins
Kristiina M. Mäkinen and Konstantin I. Ivanov
Chapter 25 Analysis of Interactions Between Viral Replicase
Proteins and Plant Intracellular Membranes
Hélène Sanfaçon and Guangzhi Zhang
Chapter 26 Membrane and Protein Dynamics
in Virus-Infected Plant Cells
Michael Goodin, Romit Chakrabarty,
and Sharon Yelton
Chapter 27 Site-Directed Mutagenesis of Whole
Viral Genomes
Li Liu and George P. Lomonossoff
Chapter 28 Viral Protein–Nucleic Acid Interaction:
South (North)-Western Blot
Huanting Liu
Chapter 29 Protein–Protein Interactions: The Yeast
Two-Hybrid System
Deyin Guo, Minna-Liisa Rajamäki, and Jari Valkonen
Chapter 30 NMR Analysis of Viral Protein Structures
Andrew J. Dingley, Inken Lorenzen,
and Joachim Grötzinger
Chapter 31 Localization of Viral Proteins in Plant Cells:
Protein Tagging
Sophie Haupt, Angelika Ziegler, and Lesley Torrance
Section 4 Microscopy/GFP/Protein Tagging/Infections Clones
and Other Such Tools
Chapter 32 Construction of Infectious Clones
for RNA Viruses: TMV
Sean N. Chapman
Chapter 33 Construction of Infectious cDNA Clones
for RNA Viruses: Turnip Crinkle Virus
Eugene V. Ryabov
Chapter 34 Construction of Infectious Clones
for DNA Viruses: Mastreviruses
Margaret I. Boulton
Chapter 35 Construction of Infectious Clones of Double-Stranded
DNA Viruses of Plants Using Citrus Yellow
Mosaic Virus as an Example
Qi Huang and John S. Hartung
Chapter 36 Insertion of Introns: A Strategy to Facilitate
Assembly of Infectious Full Length Clones
I. Elisabeth Johansen and Ole Søgaard Lund
Chapter 37 Analysis of Cell-to-Cell and Long-Distance Movement
of Apple Latent Spherical Virus in Infected Plants Using
Green, Cyan, and Yellow Fluorescent Proteins
Tsubasa Takahashi and Nobuyuki Yoshikawa
Chapter 38 Agroinoculation: A Simple Procedure for Systemic
Infection of Plants with Viruses
Zarir E. Vaghchhipawala and Kirankumar S. Mysore
Chapter 39 Geminivirus: Biolistic Inoculation
and Molecular Diagnosis
Anésia A. Santos, Lilian H. Florentino,
Acássia B.L. Pires, and Elizabeth P.B. Fontes
Section 5 Genomics, Host Factors and Plant Based Studies
Chapter 40 Expression Microarrays in Plant–Virus
Kristina Gruden, Maruša Pompe-Novak, Špela Baebler,
Hana Krecˇicˇ-Stres, Nataša Toplak, Matjaž Hren, Polona Kogovšek,
Lisa Gow, Gary D. Foster, Neil Boonham, and Maja Ravnikar
Chapter 41 Genome-Wide Screens for Identifi cation of Host
Factors in Viral Replication
Tadas Panavas, Elena Serviene, Judit Pogany,
and Peter D. Nagy
Chapter 42 Phosphorylation of Movement Proteins
by the Plasmodesmal-Associated Protein Kinase
Jung-Youn Lee
Chapter 43 Virus-Induced Gene Silencing as a Tool
to Identify Host Genes Affecting Viral Pathogenicity
Xiaohong Zhu and S.P. Dinesh-Kumar
Chapter 44 Yeast Two-Hybrid Assay to Identify
Host–Virus Interactions
Stuart A. MacFarlane and Joachim F. Uhrig